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How to be a baddie

The Style Of Disney's Coolest 'Villain'

A fur is covering everything, a black shift dress, long red gloves, black and white optical hair, and a pair of red passion pumps. Here you will find all the style ingredients of "Cruella."

Hell yes, but in style. No, we're not talking about Miranda Priestly. We're talking about a woman who may have even bewitched in front of the director of Runway - literally! - Everyone. They want it for its "cruelty" or the genuinely iconic look that will always live in the collective imagination. Why Cruella De Mon. It is S-T-I-L-O-S-A, beyond measure. Despite their bad reputation.

On the other hand, his name is already a whole program: in the original "Cruella de Vil," that is "Cruella ... the devil"! And if you think about her right away, you will take a trip back in time, to the sixties. After all, she's the quintessential antagonist among the saddest Disney villains of those poor Dalmatian puppies who she kidnaped for the sole purpose of making fur. The most critical haute couture catwalks immediately sell today's items in favor of "faux fur," ecological furs.

Once upon a time in the 1960s, on January 25, 1961, "101 Dalmatians" came out, based on Dodie Smith's novel. They have existed for 60 years, and it is still a film loved by everyone today and made famous by Cruella, who was then interpreted in the two live actions by a diva-like Glenn Close.

And he's about to return... Yes, because to interpret the role of the most stylish Disney witch, Sara Emma Stone, in the movie "Cruella" shows the origin of the character and why a little girl, and then a girl, became so bad. But, of course, he hadn't asked for much just to become a stylist!

That genius and ruthlessness culminate in her adult looks. A fur is covering everything, a black sheath dress - the famous little black dress, in short, long red gloves, black and white optical hair, and a pair of red passion pumps.

With Emma Stone instead, the character becomes "more rock." A young Cruella in an all-black outfit with a leather jacket and matching maxi skirt. An aggressive look, in short, there's no denying it.

Are you ready to enter the world? Cruella De Mon? We'll take you to discover her look, cruel, of course, and winning.

Black and white dresses

Visually... A sixties are must-have, in short, in black and white. On the other hand, the Disney movie dates from this period. Cruella best interprets this trend that still won't let you down today. Dear! It's a trend to be replicated instantly for your looks. So go ahead with clothes - especially from the sheath line, monochrome and straightforward black and white accurate. But not only. I prefer mini dresses. That's always a winning card. Long skirts, just like Cruella's, reserve them for special occasions. The different grades? The color block dresses.

Fire Red Pump

Bad but with style. Cruella has something to sell, and today it would be such a perfect fashion influencer. Especially with its bon ton style that never goes out of style. Also, because her outfit, although elegant, revolves around a few objects and accessories, they make the difference. And they can give a burst of glamor to your look too! An example? But the fiery red shoes, what questions! The cleavage, to be precise, is reminiscent of that of Chanel. Shoes are never enough... Show off a pair of heels to slim down!

Long Gloves

Okay, we can all agree that the gloves worn by Cruella are too much. Fiery red and elbow-length, a little lady of the underworld and a little lady of other times. The Vintage Style It's a wild card that can play at any time. So how to replicate that detail that makes all the difference in the looks of Disney's most stylish villain? In the meantime, I prefer gloves made of leather or synthetic leather. In short, for the winter, they are fine. Aren't you afraid to dare? Red is welcome; otherwise, go all black or brown.

Fur with animal motif

Forbidden Real Furs Cruella Loved Most... Of course! So it's better to give way to the most modern "fake fur." Synthetic furs act as a warm hug, protecting you from the cold. Greenlight for your fantasies like animal print which is also an absolute must for winter 2021. You can complete the bon ton looks with the black dress or wear them more casually.

biker jacket

The modern version of Disney's most stylish witch is Emma Stone. However, in this case, her appearance reminds of the irreverent eighties. So you are welcome to biker-style leather jackets. Young Cruella wears it with a matching maxi skirt. In short, a grittier style!

And now that you know all about Cruella's style take notes and mark the items on your Wishlist to recreate her look!

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